BINGN – 3 years training in biodynamic farming

BINGN starter opp med sitt 4. kull i januar 2019. Søknadsfrist er 1.oktober 2018.
I november 2018  vil en klasse på 12 studenter avslutte sin utdannelse. Etter 4 år har vi nå bygget opp en god struktur og har meget kompetente lærerkrefter.
En student uttaler:
For me BINGN is full of impulses and group spirit! Imagine this: We work at farms all around Scandinavia, we share common interests, we get together 6 times a year and we share our experiences, we develop and deepen our individual interests and we get the best teachers that the biodynamic/anthroposophic movement has to offer in Scandinavia, we sing, we dance and we play. This is an exceptional way to study and it suits me.
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